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She flatly rejected my offer to write an ode to her glory. I will attempt to restrain my lyricism, but I guaranty nothing.

Geneviève was born in Vevey in 1961. She is the eldest of a family of seven children.

Years later, she meets Marc and prefers, over the boots of seven leagues, the wings that her husband pilot offers her... and their three lovely daughters.

From their extensive travels, she brings back a taste from elsewhere. She has a very deep and comprehensive attachment to the Riviera, from a stunning balcony on Lake Geneva, where she has the great fortune to live and work.

She combines impressions with emotions to draw a gentle mixture, each time conjuring a new horizon. In her sea-green eyes, we can see the creativity that always drives her to discover and experiment with new techniques. Past the door of her studio, we let ourselves be invaded by the smell of ink, we dream of opening her collection of vials to see a thousand colors escape; we imagine her brushes, suspended for a moment for a well-deserved rest, frolic delicately on paper ... we have an appointment with a fairy ...
